What we do
FreshSNAP provides free consultation services and resources to stakeholders responsible for providing nutrition education and meals in a school, boarding house or residential college, providing guidance to achieve whole-of-school health through healthier food practices, processes and policies.
We know it’s not easy to implement a consistent program that supports healthier food choices. FreshSNAP looks at nutrition education as part of a cultural shift that touches all areas of life. We have the recipe for engaging the important people in a student’s life.

Who’s behind FreshSNAP?
FreshSNAP is delivered by National Nutrition Foundation with funding from the Department of Health Western Australia.
FreshSNAP is a FREE state-wide service that supports the creation of a whole of school healthy eating environment. We provide FREE menu assessments and traffic light training, as well as a range of resources, including recipes, curriculum materials and nutrition education.
Our footprint across Western Australia
Kids consume approximately 30% of their daily food intake at school.
One in four WA children five to 15 are over a healthy weight according to the Department of Health WA.
There are over 1000 schools in Western Australia influencing student nutrition education.