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AMBER savoury commercial products are commercial products typically high in saturated fat and salt and should therefore be consumed in moderation.

AMBER savoury commercial products include but are not limited to:

  • Commercial crumbed or coated poultry and fish.
  • Processed chicken products.
  • Commercial burger patties.
  • Commercial pizzas.
  • Commercial plant-based meat alternatives.

AMBER savoury commercial products can only be on the canteen menu two days per week. They cannot be sold on the remaining three weekdays. AMBER savoury commercial products are to be counted as part of the maximum 40% AMBER food and drinks on school canteen menus.

  • For example, your menu might provide chicken nuggets on Monday and Tuesday, and commercial pizza on Tuesday. No other AMBER savoury commercial products can be available on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
  • If you choose to serve multiple AMBER savoury commercial products on the same day, your whole menu must still comply with the maximum 40% AMBER food and drink requirement.
  • Remember, many AMBER savoury commercial products must be served with a 1/4 cup cooked or 1/2 a cup of raw salad or vegetables to remain on the menu.

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