Free School Nutrition Advice
The Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Program (FreshSNAP) provides an integrated, comprehensive state-wide advisory and implementation service to support schools to create healthy food environments and deliver nutrition education.

All schools in WA now have access to a range of free tools, resources, curriculum materials and online training, as well as phone, email and face-to-face support. This program is being delivered by National Nutrition Foundation with funding from the Department of Health Western Australia.
Support and resources to create a healthier school community
FreshSNAP offers a comprehensive all-on-one-plate advisory service. The whole school community — leadership, teachers, canteen and food service staff, students, families, and professionals supporting schools — are able to access tools and resources to create sustainable healthy school food environments.

This program will reach the entire WA community, including vulnerable populations. We provide a growing suite of resources for the whole school community, including resources targeted to priority groups such as regional populations, Aboriginal people, culturally and linguistically diverse populations, people with disabilities, and people with low literacy levels.
The Program will work to improve the confidence and competency of relevant staff in relation to healthy eating by providing online training for canteen and food service staff and professionals supporting schools. This online training in conjunction with menu and recipe assessments will result in school canteens and caterers creating a gold standard food and drink environment for WA school children.
By taking a whole of school approach, we will be able to influence the system to enable schools to create heathy food environments.
Excitingly FreshSNAP has launched FoodChecker for WA Schools. FoodChecker is an Australian-first, free assessment tool that allows organisations to self-assess menus, recipes, products and vending machines according to the WA School Food and Drink Criteria. This online assessment tool empowers canteen and food service staff to assess their menus, recipes and products and search for healthier foods and drinks from the extensive database of products. FoodChecker is easy to use and provides instant feedback on screen plus a PDF report available to download.
Each report includes feedback on the foods and drinks provided, as well as tailored recommendations for healthier changes to meet the relevant guidelines.
The database includes over 14,000 branded food and drink products. In addition, FoodChecker can:
- Advise if a branded product is classified GREEN, AMBER or RED (as per the WA School Food and Drink Criteria).
- Save favourite recipes and products.
- Print menus.
Four pillars of the Good Practice Guide
The Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Program has been designed in line with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council’s Good Practice Guide: Supporting healthy eating and drinking at school (the Good Practice Guide).

The Good Practice Guide identifies four pillars for creating a whole of school healthy eating environment. The four pillars are:
Between health and education sectors to build and sustain a healthy food and drink culture and environment. FreshSNAP will achieve this by developing partnerships and collaborations throughout the duration of the program to build and sustain a healthy food and drink culture and environment in WA schools. The professional development, resources and support services will be continuously enhanced in consultation with schools and stakeholders to enable schools to increase their capacity to create healthy food environments.
The development, implementation, communication, monitoring and review of policies remain important. The Program will support schools in achieving a best practice food and environment through professional development, an advisory service, and accessible tools and resources.
Schools require practical information on how to incorporate healthy eating and drinking into the curriculum to build food literacy. FreshSNAP will provide schools and teachers with a hub of curriculum resources to address learning, food and wellbeing from Kindergarten to year 12. This will continuously be updated throughout the duration of the program.
Between students, educators, families, the community, government, non-government organisations and local businesses to assist in the expansion of healthy food and drink knowledge, skills, resources and opportunities available to schools and students. The Program will be based on developing collaborative partnerships to maximise impact and reach, strengthen school’s capacity to engage with their community and create meaningful and sustainable changes to their food environment.
The Good Practice Guide: Supporting healthy eating and drinking at school, 2019 is available here.

We recognise that many local businesses and community groups deliver projects and programs that provide a wide range of shared objectives with FreshSNAP.
Why partner with us?
- Reach and communicate with a broad and highly engaged healthy-minded bunch.
- Leverage and showcase your services to support healthier eating in schools.
- Align with an organisation that is passionate about nutrition and how it impacts communities.
- Help make a difference.
What are the opportunities?
We are always looking for partners who want to:
- Engage with the community, schools and families on healthy eating choices and nutrition.
- Innovate and build healthier and happier communities.
- Be a part of school health and wellbeing programs.
FreshSNAP is excited to partner with Better Health Company and their Better Health Program, a 10 week healthy lifestyle program for primary aged children, 6-12yrs and their families. The program provides families with guidance, support, resources and knowledge around physical activity, nutrition and behaviour change, to help families lead healthier lifestyles. To be eligible for the program children do need to be classified as above a healthy weight. The program is designed to help families implement small health goals over 10 weeks with personalized support from health professionals.
Get a taste of the Program here
View sample resources, see best practice ideas in play and book a free consultation for your school.